2020年5月至今获得国家留学基金委资助到德国莱比锡马克斯-普朗克数学科学研究所从事博士后工作,合作导师Xianqing Li-Jost教授。
1、量子关联的单配性关系和量子相干度量的研究,国家自然科学基金项目 11847209,2019.01-2019.12
2018年担任期刊Quantum Information Processing的审稿人;
2019年担任期刊International Journal of Theoretical Physics的审稿人;
2020年担任期刊Laser Physics Letters的审稿人;
2021年担任期刊Results in Physics的审稿人
(1) Z. X. Jin, S. M. Fei, Tighter entanglement monogamy relations of qubit systems Quantum Inf Process 16, 77 (2017).
(2) Z. X. Jin, S. M. Fei, Tighter monogamy relations of quantum entanglement for multiqubit W-class states Quantum Inf Process 17, 2 (2018).
(3) Z. X. Jin, S. M Fei, Quantifying quantum coherence and nonclassical correlation based on Hellinger distance, Phys. Rev. A 97, 062342 (2018).
(4) Z. X. Jin, J. Li, T. Li, S. M. Fei, Tighter monogamy relations in multiqubit systems, Phys. Rev. A 97, 032336 (2018).
(5) Z. X. Jin, X. Li-Jost, S. M Fei, Triangle-like inequalities related to coherence and entanglement negativity, Quantum Inf Process 18, 5 (2019) .
(6) Z. X. Jin, S. M Fei, X. Li-Jost, Improved monogamy relations with concurrence of assistance and negativity of assistance for multiqubit W-class states, Quantum Inf Process 17, 213 (2018).
(7) Z. X. Jin, S. M Fei, Finer distribution of quantum correlations among multiqubit systems, Quantum Inf Process 18, 21 (2019).
(8) Z. X. Jin, S. M Fei, Polygamy relations of multipartite entanglement beyond qubits, J. Phys. A 52, 165303 (2019).
(9) Z. X. Jin, S. M Fei, Superactivation of monogamy relations for nonadditive quantum correlation measures, Phys. Rev. A 99, 032343 (2019).
(10) Z. X. Jin, S. M Fei, Monogamy relations of all quantum correlation measures for multipartite quantum systems, Optics Communications 446, 39–43 (2019).
(11) Z. X. Jin, S. M Fei, C. F. Qiao, Polygamy relations of multipartite systems, Quantum Inf Process 18, 105 (2019).
(12) X. N Zhu, Z. X. Jin, S. M Fei, Quantifying quantum coherence based on the generalized \alpha–z-relative Renyi entropy, Quantum Inf Process 18, 179 (2019).
(13) Z. X Jin, X. Li-Jost, S. M Fei, Generalized Entanglement Monogamy and Polygamy Relations for N -Qubit Systems, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 58, 1576–1589 (2019).
(14) X. N Zhu, Z. X. Jin, S. M Fei, Polygamy Inequalities for Qubit Systems, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 58, 2488–2496 (2019).
(15) Z. X. Jin, S. M Fei, Tighter generalized monogamy and polygamy relations for multiqubit systems, Quantum Inf Process 19, 23 (2020).
(16) Z. X. Jin, S. M Fei, Strong polygamy and monogamy relations for multipartite quantum systems, Quantum Inf Process 19, 45 (2020).
(17) Z. X. Jin, S. M Fei, C. F. Qiao, Complementary quantum correlations among multipartite system, Quantum Inf Process 19, 101 (2020).
(18) Z. X. Jin, C. F. Qiao, Monogamy and polygamy relations of multiqubit entanglement based on unified entropy, Chin. Phys. B 29, 2, 020305 (2020).
(19) M. L. Guo, Z. X. Jin, B. Li, B. Hu, S. M. Fei, Quantifying quantum coherence based on the generalized relative Renyi entropy, Quantum Inf Process 18, 179 (2019).
(20) J.B. Zhang, Z. X. Jin, S. M. Fei, Z. X. Wang, Enhanced Monogamy Relations in Multiqubit Systems, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 59, 3449–3463 (2020).
(21) J.B. Zhang, Z. X. Jin, S. M. Fei, Z. X. Wang, Optimized monogamy and polygamy inequalities for multipartite qubit entanglement, Chin. Phys. B 30, 10, 100310 (2021).
(22) L. M. Yang, Z. X Jin, S. M Fei, Z. X. Wang, G. L. Long, Average distillated coherence without complete waste of resources, Quantum Inf Process 20, 198 (2021).
(23) Z. X Jin, L. M. Yang, S. M Fei, X. Li-Jost, Z. X. Wang, G. L. Long, C. F. Qiao, Maximum relative entropy of coherence for quantum channels, Sci China Phys Mech, 64, 8, 280311 (2021).
(24) Z. X Jin, S. M Fei, X. Li-Jost, C. F. Qiao, Quantum Coherence Bounds the Distributed Discords, npj Quantum Information 8: 33 (2022).
(25) Z. X Jin, S. M Fei, X. Li-Jost, C. F. Qiao, A new parameterized monogamy relation between entanglement and equality, Advanced Quantum Technologies 2100148 (2022).